Wayamo Foundation Africa Director Joseph Roberts-Mensah interviews Thierry Cruvellier, Editor-in-chief of JusticeInfo.net discussing the concept of universal jurisdiction, and how journalists can cover justice processes such as Sweden’s Lundin trial. The two veteran journalists discuss the role of journalists and civil society play in driving justice processes, and the challenge of telling stories about justice for Sudan.
Time stamps
00:28 The difficulties of finding justice processes to cover for Sudanese journalists and the promise of universal jurisdiction.
02:54 Trials in European countries, including Sweden’s Lundin trial.
05:16 The challenges of covering foreign trials for Sudanese journalists.
06:11 Writing history and reparations in foreign courts.
12:04 Sudanese media and the push for universal jurisdiction cases abroad.
13:43 The role of journalists and civil society in driving justice processes.