Sudan Online Justice Hub: News and resources on the conflict and tools for addressing violations

Saeeda Verrall: Characteristics of international investigations, and best practices for documenting violations of human rights

In this interview, Saeeda Verrall. A Legal Officer working at the United Nations discusses the main characteristics of international investigations, including the specific legal factors and contextual elements that need to be established, and best practices for documenting violations of human rights by lawyers, human rights defenders or journalists.

04:56 What are some of the key considerations for the use of open source information in proving international crimes?

08:23 How can domestic documentation actors and the media contribute to international accountability efforts?

10:23 What are some of the best practices human rights documenters should implement in their quest to contribute to justice and accountability? What are some best practices to ensure that the evidence collected can later be used in court?

The Wayamo Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation established to strengthen the rule of law, promote justice for international crimes and foster transparency through judicial capacity building, mediation and informed journalism.
The Sudan Justice Hub is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and the German Federal Foreign Office.
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