Sudan Online Justice Hub: News and resources on the conflict and tools for addressing violations

Abbas El-Tegani: Hate speech and its impact on the media environment in Sudan

Mr. Abbas El-Tegani Mohammed Saleh is a researcher in the field of peace and media studies. He is one of the founders of the Salaam Media Center for Cultural Studies and Development and works as an independent consultant. In this interview, he speaks about the diverse manifestations of hate speech that existed in Sudan before the war, its escalation following the onset of the armed conflict on April 15th, the complexities posed by social media networks and how these developments impact Sudan’s media environment. 

Time stamps:

  • 00:48 Background on hate speech in Sudan pre-war
  • 02:27 Proliferation of hate speech after the outbreak of the war
  • 03:12 Diverse manifestations of hate speech in Sudan
  • 04:44 Strategies for journalists to mitigate bias in their reporting
  • 06:39 Unconscious bias
  • 09:45 Upholding journalistic ethics amidst challenges



The Wayamo Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation established to strengthen the rule of law, promote justice for international crimes and foster transparency through judicial capacity building, mediation and informed journalism.
The Sudan Justice Hub is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and the German Federal Foreign Office.
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